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I dropped 300 Entrecard in 2 hours!!!

If you read my last post about i wanted to challenge my self to drop 300 Entrecard within two hours,you will know i will challenge myself again.I decided to breakthrough myself again yesterday,guess what?I made it!!!Perhaps for some people this is considered slow which they can drop Entrecard within one hour then they must be a power droppers or super droppers.Why i challenge myself to drop Entrecard within 2 hours?Most of the time ,i spend whole day to drop Entrecard to get 300Entrecard which is not effective for me and the consequences is i can't focus on doing my stuff. The most challenging part i encountered are:

1) I unable to know how many Entrecard i dropped and i need to go back to dashboard to refresh-IT KILLS MY TIME!
2) Due to too many website i visited,sometimes i can't remember that whether i dropped in this site or not,if i already dropped and i dropped again,it will show"1 per day",my goodness,i have to go back to select the other options again.
3)Connection is slow -this want i have not much comment on it because the connection speed is standard,i can't do much on it.

My suggestion :This is what i get an idea from one of the Entrecard user-Musings è¿é at forum,instead of showing "go go"awesome"yeeha",change to the numbers of Entrecards that we have dropped,let say we have dropped "250' then the message should show "50 left" and etc.This is more easier for us to keep track the figures and increase our dropping speed.

My planning:I am running "Traffics campaign "this week,so my target is to drop "300" per day which is one of my action plan.I have many more action plan to go and i won't talk much how Entrecard improves my traffics,many of you already know but i will show my traffics graph next week from my traffics campaign.

What i want to achieve: I want to achieve 500 unique visitors and more per day to boost up my Adsense earning and increase my RSS readers.

Please take note: Most of the Traffics from Entrecard are only quantity but it might not a quality traffics to website,so don't only rely traffics from Entrecard.

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"I would love to hear from you.If you have any comment about "Entrecard",please feel free to leave your comment on this post,thanks and enjoy reading."

Never quit:"Believe in yourself-your vision of your future.Keep your dreams alive despite challenges along the way.Don't be afraid of change.Grow and learn as you go.Move ahead with confidence.Always reach forward.Challenge the impossible and risk yourself to the limits.Opportunities ahead are endless.Never quit until you win.You have greatness within you.Nurture it with hope and passion,there'll be nothing you can't do"

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7 say:

Deimos Tel`Arin said...

You do realize that those hit and run EntreCard droppers are not going to click on your Google Adsense text link ads, right?

Felex Tan said...

We should "say drop and run",well thats why i said is one of my action plan.If i totally rely on EC ,definitely i won't get a long term traffics,i know is not an easy ,but a lot have proved it can be achieved.Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

That's a lot of drops. I think the most I ever droped was 50 in one day. I tend to drop and see if I like something thereby stopping and getting off track. Congrats!

Felex Tan said...

First of all,you need to set a target and time frame,work for the target and you will make it,thanks for your comment.

Pamps said...

are you using an entrecard site opener? there are lots of scripts which can make you drop faster. 2 hours is achievable. even an hour would do if your connection is fast. although this is achievable, i agree to those previous comments that you can't rely on this people to click on your ads and increase your earnings in adsense. I do the dropping because it does increase your traffice but those traffic are not quality traffic. Only a few of them takes a peek and read your site, majority just drop and run. But it is still a help though.

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Felex Tan said...

I use opera to jump from one site to another,i absolutely agree with you about quantity traffics instead of quality traffics.Quantity traffics do not determine how much you will earn from google adsense.Thats why now i am not only focusing on quantity but quality as well- In fact,I will do both simply because actually i can search quality traffic from the number of visits,it takes time,but is a number game.Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

"Most of the Traffics from Entrecard are only quantity but it might not a quality traffics to website,so don't only rely traffics from Entrecard"

I have to agree with you for this one, but if you active in forum you might find friends and get better traffic.