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Why you fail in Home based business?

You read a lot of success internet marketer that earning tons of money from internet,then you tried to make online by spending time on searching the best way to make money online,sign up all home based business opportunity,spend money on advertising and so on....But,why you still not success in home based business/internet business?Below is a top 5 reasons why you fail:

Reason #1 - Lack of business mindset

You treat it as a 9-5 daytime job instead of own business-NO sense of urgency.This is a mistake that a lot of people make.Most of the self-employed people actually end up working harder and longer than people who is for someone else.But,you set up a home based business because you are looking to cut your working hours, therefore you wake up late, watch TV-series,shopping,hang out with friends and all leisure activities ,but still dreaming to be a 'Internet Millionaires" by working 2- 3 hours per day!!!In reality,Home based businesses depends on sales and amount of effort you put on starting of the business establishing relationships and reputation with customers.

Reason # 2-Treat hobby as your business

Hobby costs you money but it does not make you money!No doubts,you have to work for your passion but if you are serious on internet business,you must take it seriously to generate results and revenue,only with this serious attitude,to make you build a profitable online business.

Reason# 3- No business vision, goals and planning

When you set up a business without vision and mission,you won't go far simply because you lost direction ,you don't even know where to go and what to achieve.Planning is an essential to achieve your goal;With good planing but no action, i will call you NATO(No action,talk only)."Plan your work, then work your plan" is a popular saying amongst successful entrepreneur.

Reason # 4-Poor management and organizing skill

You are poor in time management and task organizing,you try to do all task in one time and end up not achieve anything.You spend whole day on stumble upon,diggs,technorati,my bloglog, name it.You are distracted by too many good ideas,then you forgot your initial project,engrossed on chasing too many ideas at the same time will make you more exhausted yet with little results.Focus on your current project and develop it completely until you success.

Reason # 5 -Lack of learning

If you are already success and earn tons of money,please don't continue to read this....

You think you are the best in th world,you have MBA or Ph.d and would not accept any new knowledge /comments from others,you tend to be alone and struggle yourself to achieve by yourself without continue learning.To success in home based business,only continue learning will enhance your current skill and develop your weakness.Continually invest in your education. You can buy e-books that teach you how to use the most profitable marketing skill and strategies that allow you to grow businesses faster with less effort.

Key to success:
Avoid all mistakes you have done which are listed above,you are half way to success,the rest is depends on how strong your determination and perseverance.Be passion on what you are doing and be patient on what you want to achieve.


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"I want to hear from you.If you have any comment on home based business,please leave your comment in this post,thanks and enjoy reading."

Never quit:"Believe in yourself-your vision of your future.Keep your dreams alive despite challenges along the way.Don't be afraid of change.Grow and learn as you go.Move ahead with confidence.Always reach forward.Challenge the impossible and risk yourself to the limits.Opportunities ahead are endless.Never quit until you win.You have greatness within you.Nurture it with hope and passion,there'll be nothing you can't do"

2 say:

Orlando Rubio said...

you are right. I am into money crusade too. Lack of education is the main reason for failing it.

Don't worry make money

Felex Tan said...

Thanks for sharing,even founder-Darren Rowse continues to learn a new stuff although he is so successful.