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Sun Tzu -The art of war

Sorry for not updating the post almost one week because i went back to my hometown and take this opportunity to take a rest.Well ,this is not a post but i would like to hear from you guys' opinions and suggestions.Currently i am doing research about Sun Tzu -The Art of War and i would like to share about his strategies to apply in online business such as "Make money online with Sun Tzu's strategies".,what do you guys think?If you guys really want to find out more,i can share more about it because i don't want to end up i read it alone and you guys don't like to read about it,this will waste your time to visit my blog yet don't find any useful resources.Well,time for you guys to voice out something,please leave your comment about whether you like to find out more about Sun Tzu's strategies or what actually you want to find out in order to improve your Internet business ,then i will do my best to give the best info to you guys.

8 say:

Anonymous said...

Hi Felex,

Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

You have a nice blog here, ^_^ I will be your common visitor in the future. Keep up your good job, see ya!

Felex Tan said...

Zachary Teng,

Thank you very much,i will visit your blog often too.See you at next mastermind session.

Entrepreneur Mindset said...

i would like too read with you...

Felex Tan said...


Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

That would be good to share. Just a suggestion, please write in points form.

Anonymous said...

seriosly, I did not really know the whole story of sun tze, and other historical person at china. Althought i am a chinese. Feel so shame about it

Anonymous said...


If you really can apply Sun Tzu's Art of War into internet businesses, it's absolutely a very good idea! :) Fully support you!

Anyway, I'd like to introduce some of my friends to you on the next MasterMind Session. Take care!

Felex Tan said...

Thanks for you all support, i will fully involve in searching the best techniques and strategies to share to you guys.