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How many Entrecards you drop per day?

Just out of my curiosity ,how many of you really strive to drop 300 Entrecards per day ?

Are you the one like this?


These few days i am busy with my project,therefore i am unable to drop so much Entrecard ,but normally i will drop 100-150 Entrecard and mostly i will drop at the blog which are added in my link as well as within my niche .

Feel free to share how many Entrecard you drop per day?Do you think it wastes your time to drop Entrecard?

12 say:

Anonymous said...

last time i do drop a lot daily, but now less already, after they change their structure.

I was very confuse from there

Anonymous said...

i drops an average of 600 a day. Sometimes, 1200 drops (usually on Monday). The cut-off time on reset is 12pm (Malaysian time). So, I will do 600 drops from 8am to 12pm. Another 600 drops from 1pm to 5pm. Sounds like a full-time job right? I'm monitoring my drops now. It will end 17th and I am giving away all my effort in a bookmark list. I'm collecting serious droppers list of 1000 sites. Hope you will try it when it is ready.

Anonymous said...

I usually only drop like 3-8 per day, call me lazy... but I just do it basically when it is convenient :)

Deimos Tel`Arin said...

Around 100-150 EntreCards per day, depends on how many dropped on me.

I only reciprocate drops nowadays.

Yes, dropping cards is time consuming.

Using EntreCard as a social networking tool now.

Hexacool said...

I usually drops about 30 a day, but it's true that it does bring me some traffic when I drops more.

Robo said...

Maximum 50-60. Sometime 5.
It's all depends on the time I have.

Unknown said...

I can't track how many I drop, I just notice that by the end of my dropping stretch, I always see a Go! Go! message in the entrecard widget I'm dropping to.

Anonymous said...

I drop 0 cards a day. Too lazy lar. :)

Anonymous said...

I think I dropped 100 cards one time. Usually I drop between 20 and 30. I'd like to do more, but the truth is I just don't have enough time!

Unknown said...

i drop each time i have to visit entrecard to approve an ad. and if i stumble on a blog that has one (like yrs), then ill drop it. :)

Anonymous said...

I used to drop a lot of entrecard (max drops) now I only drop around 10-30. I check out some random blog daily from entrecard.

Anonymous said...

I only reciprocate drops now, not dropping anymore :D

We have a life too, you know!