What is all this about?
Need more traffics?Need more RSS subscribers?Participate Felex Tan 's link and subscribers exchange program to increase your blog 's traffics and subscribers.
Subscribe to Felex Tan RSS Feed via email
Subscribe to Felex Tan dot Com and i will subscribe to yours .Subscribe to Felex Tan RSS Feed via email
Please leave a message in the comment box and write down your Name,email(please use the same email that you subscribed)-more easy for me to refer,website title , website URL and short description ,so i able to add your link into Felex Tan dot Com,what does it looks like?Below is an example:
1) Curryegg dot com-A blog for sharing
Please take note: I do not accept gambling,violence and adult links and please
submit your site/blog written in English
Cool?You’ll have to keep my link listed on your site in return to maintain your site on LINK page.FAIR? Alright,you can interact with each other in the comment box to exchange link ,exchange subscriptions and so on...with each other.
You will not get any CASH from me but you will get all these for FREE!!!
1)Free 1000 back links -You can exchange link with 1000 bloggers.
2)Free traffics to your website.
3)Free Stumble upon from 1000 bloggers.
4)Free Technorati Favorite of your website from me and bloggers.
5)Free genuine comment -You comment i follow,NO SPAM please!
6)Free digg from 1000 bloggers-You digg and i will dig more deaper.
7)You drop i follow -Just put remark "EC" in the comment box to let bloggers know you are
EC user so we will drop EC at your website.
Want more??
Felex Tan will give away FREE 100 Entrecard credits to the first 50 subscribers which is 5000 EC credits from me.Deal!First come First serve.
Due date: It is on going campaign.
My thoughts
Once we achieved 1000 bloggers link,i will increase the number of links to 2000,3000.........and more.
Useful info
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126 say:
I subscribed to your feed and added you to my blogroll. Here's my info:
Name: mikey777
Email: mlovelace75@yahoo.com
Website Title: Voice of the American Shift Worker
URL: http://shiftworkersunite.com
Description: Because Work Sucks...
Ok great,do you have entrecard?So i can transfer 100 credits to you.Thanks for supporting,i will add your link to my website
OK, I subscribed to the feed and added your link to my blogroll.
You can send the EC credits to Globally Rational or to shan564@yahoo.com .
URL: http://www.globallyrational.com
Title: Globally Rational
Tagline: A scientist's logical perspective on today's world
So will I get the free Stumbles and Technorati faves and all the other stuff?
Thats right,well.Do you have entrecard? I will send you 100 credits.Have you confirm your subscription?Thanks
Nice contest! Good luck guys!
Have subscribed to your feed (aztala @ gmail.com) and added you to my blogroll.
Name: Whiz
URL: http://contestwhiz.com
Blog Title: Contest Whiz
Description: The Blog Contest Expert
Am an EC user and my EC URL is:
Thanks Felex!
Hi! Please count me in. I've already subscribed to your feed (confirmed)and added you to my blogroll. My details:
Name: KCee
Email: v3n3zia [at] gmail [dot] com
Blog Title: BaReFooTeD Me
Description: A personal blog where anything goes!
EC details: http://entrecard.com/details/31501
Hi - subscribed to your feed (les_arna@yahoo.com.au)
Web http://www.just4families.com
Title Just 4 Families
Description: Because families are important
email: les_arna@yahoo.com.au
dropped EC - EC email address as above
b,kcee,radicalb- I had subscribed as a reader of your blog and i had sent EC credits to you guys,have a nice day.
i subscribed and confirmed.
EC account: make.up.site@gmail.com
URL: http://www.make-up.us.tt/
Title: Make-up Needs
Tagline: Short articles about Makeup and Beauty tips.
ok i subscribed vladinati@gmail.com
dropped my card http://entrecard.com/details/28895
and added you to my hottest links on the web.
Hello felex..
I've subscribed!
And thank for the link...
Think this is a great idea. Just subscribed to your feed.
Phil from I'm no electrician
Giamatti,Vlatinati ,CurryEgg,
I had sent 100 credits to you guys .
Should i indicate your
blog title as :I'm no election
blog description:Tech for the not so technical
Please let me know so i can add your link.thanks
Hi, I'm EC user to.
I subscribed to your blog in my email. And posted your link in my link page:
Here's my info:
name: nepspeed82
email: nepllagas(at)hotmail(dot)com
blog title: ULUPONGdotcom
URL: http://ulupongdotcom.blogspot.com
Tagline: Blogging made easy.
Please send the EC credits to the same email too. Thanks in advance.
Name: Tyler Gresham
Email: runningnomad AT gmail.com
Website Title: Monetizing Students
URL: http://www.monetizingstudents.com/blog
Entrecard email: same as above
And I'm going to add your link into a post later on today, I have to get to work.
All the best,
Name: Joseph Ratliff
Email: ebusinessnow@gmail.com
Website Title: The Profitable Business Edge 2
URL: http://josephratliff.name
Description: Internet Business Marketing Strategies and Tough Advice by Joseph Ratliff.
Entrecard: http://entrecard.com/details/33021
Thanks! :)
I subscribed to your feed and added you to my blogroll. Here's my info:
Name: lankapo
Email: lankapo@gmail.com
Website Title: Show me the money
URL: http://www.blog.lankapo.com
Description: Trying hard to make money online
not very understand leh...
icalvyn ,
I had sent you an email,lets communicate in email.Thanks.
Lankapo @ I am waiting your email confirmation,so that ,i can send EC credits to you and i had subscribed your RSS.
Nepspeed,Tyler Gresham,Joseph:
I had sent the credits and subscribed.
Thanks for supporting.All the best
Just subscribed to your blog! Looks like an interesting concept, I'm looking forward to it :)
Name: The Net Fool
Email: jim@thenetfool.com
Website Title: The Net Fool Dot Com
URL: http://www.thenetfool.com
Description: Turn Time Into Cash with the Net Fool - I'm Bullish on the Net!
I have subscribe mine too :)
Cool. Nice to be able to exchange links with 1000 other blogs :)
I have been subscribe to your blog but I would love to be added to get 1000blogs link-free, this is really good.
Beverly Black
One Stop Shopping
EC email the same
FRRE ways to make money on the internet.
I left out my URL
One Stop Shopping
Yo felex :) replying right back at ya:
Name: Aronil
website: http://aronil.com
Description: Aronil-Just me
Hi Felex,
I subscribed and confirmed as well as lensrolled you.
Name: Susanne
email: susanne@squidoomagic.com
Website: http://www.squidoomagi.com
Description: Tips and Tricks to get your squidoo lens to stand out.
Entrecard user: 2202 or email susanne@squiodoomagic.com
What a nice initiative !
My "c" got stucked... my url is:
RSS subscribed :-)
Website http://effects-of-divorce.com/blog
description: Get up and happy after divorce
Title: Create happiness and harmony in your new family
e-mail charkamman@gmail.com
entrecard charkamman@gmail.com
user 4956
I subscribed to your feed and added you to my blogroll. Here's my info:
Email: jason_hexacool@yahoo.com
Website Title: Everything you need to know
URL: http://hexacool.blogspot.com
Description: A blog that tells you things that you need to know...
To everyone,
Thanks everyone for your participation,currently we have 18 blog links within a week which mean we have 2 participants per day which i think is quite good.Well,lets work together to achieve 5 participants per day,help me to spread this news to all of your friend,guess what i will give 200 credits for referral who refers two friends + free e-book + free 125*125 ads at my blog for one week.First come first serve.
***If you manage to refer two friends,advise them to indicate your name,it helps me to send credits to right person and send all the freebies to you.
Once again,thanks for participating in this campaign and all the best to you all.
Felex Tan
Subscribed Billy Warhol
Billion Dollar Baloney
Parties Babes Fashion Music Flickr Photos Politics Peace
Yes I have EC!!
Cheers Everybody + thx Felex!! Billy ;)) Peace*
I subscribed to your feed via email.
Name: Taylor Thompson
Email: ttomp13@gmail.com
Website Title: Cod Fed Chat Net
URL: http://codfedchatnet.blogspot.com/
Description: Blogging tips and Entertainment
Name: LogBlog - blog promotion
Email: logblog [ at ] mail dot com
Title: blog promotion
URL: http://www.logblog.com
Description: Introduce your blog and get listed.
Yes, i have EC.
p.s: I've subscribed and you are in my blogroll.
Thanks dear for your invitation.Its manas (Free Money Maker) from entrecard.
I have subcribed through freemoney.maker@yahoo.com and my website http://kasakk.blogspot.com
I will add you soon,check back .Thanks.
Name: Technology Blog
Email: boscony [ at ] yahoo.com
URL: http://www.blogtbt.com
I have subscribed to your feed under the email address garbageoffers@gmail.com.
My site info:
Name: Karl Erfurt
Title: Karlonia.com Internet Marketing Blog
URL: http://www.karlonia.com/
Description: Karlonia.com is dedicated to helping people achieve greater personal and economic freedom. Topics include Internet marketing, SEO strategies, get-paid-to programs, informative articles, and relevant news reports from around the world.
Entrecard page: http://entrecard.com/details/23845
I subscribed to your feed and added you to my blogroll. Here's my info:
Name: timothy adam
Email: metaldesign@hotmail.com
Website Title: Timothy Adam Designs
URL: http://timothyadamdesigns.blogspot.com
Description: modern metal
I have subscribed to your feed under the email address marcxtg248@gmail.com.
My site info:
Name: Marc Dionisio
Title: My Drift
URL: http://marcdionigio.blogspot.com/
Description: Sharing the hottest RNB & Electronica Tracks + Gadgets Galore .
Entrecard page: http://entrecard.com/details/6320
Name: pinoydeal
Email: pinoydeal@gmail.com
Website Title: Pinoy Money Online
URL: http://pinoydeal11.blogspot.com
Description: Pinoy Blogging | Make Money Online | Work From Home | Self Help | Pinoy News | Free Ebooks
I have entrecard too.
Hello Felex,
Thanks for the invite via Entrecard. Interesting program you have running here.
Just to let you know, I've subscribed to your feed.
Here's my info
Author/owner : Sksee
Site : http://bloggerfocus.com
Title : Bloggerfocus Dot Com
Description : Bloggers Resource Centre
By the way, proud to see a Malaysian doing well. Kudos to you from another Malaysian.
P/s : I'll do you a favor by mentioning about this program in my blog's weekly update.
HI ,
thanks for inviting me
i've already subscribed to your feed ,
name : ameo
e-mail : sent to your EC profile .
Website Name : BlueCirclet Community
URL : http://www.bluecirclet.com/
Description : daily weblog regarding some blogging resources and software reviews that every blogger use on a daily basis
Have subscribed to your feed (russia_agent2{a}yahoo.com) and added you to my blogroll.
Name: newacx
URL: http://www.kabelduit.com
Blog Title: Bukan Sekadar Menjana Kewangan
Description: All stuff under one roof.
Am an EC user and my EC URL is:
P/s : Dont be deceive by the title, its in english and put the www at my URL or you will visit my sales pages.
Thanks Felex!
1835 Miles Away
EC: http://entrecard.com/details/32131
Name: Yee Ming
Email: kong1ming2@hotmail.com
Website Title: Temptations and Ambitions
URL: http://www.temptationsandambitions.blogspot.com/
Description: Ramblings of a Medical Student with nothing medical X'D
With EC as well..
THANX for the link!!
Thank you very much of your compliment,"Malaysia Boleh".Well,if you are not convenient to leave your email here ,you can send to my EC profile at :
So that i can send credits to you and all freebies that i promised.
Thanks to everyone support and participation.
Subscribed and blogrolled. Message sent to your EC with email and other details. Thank you
count me in
Name: Lady Rose
Email: dietpulitrss@aol.com
Website title: Diet Pulpit
Url: http://dietpulpit.com
Description: The blog with fattitude. Don't be a fool, eat for fuel.
Forgot to mention I am also an entrecard member
see above comment for rest of info
Can we sign up two blogs? If so please count this one in too
EC member
Name: Lady Rose
Email: LadyRoseTarot@yahoo.com
Website title: Stir the Cauldron
Url: http://stirthecauldron.blogspot.com/
Description: All about tarot, with a touch of magic, wicca, occult and supernatural
Lady Rose,
Sure ,you can sign up for both,both have Entrecard account?
Cal Tel
Thank you so much for the invite! This is a great idea, thank you so much for doing this!
Name: boogiemum
Email: boogiemum at gmail dot com
Website Title: boogiemum
Website URL: www.boogiemum.com
Description: My recycled thoughts
I subscribed to your feed and added you to my blogroll. Here's my info:
Name: John Smith
Email: bestwidgets <.at.> gmail dot com
Website Title: Widgets For Free
Website URL: http://widgetsforfree.blogspot.com
Description: Essential widgets for webpages
your link can be found here: http://widgetsforfree.blogspot.com/2007/11/stockalicious-track-your-portfolio-with.html
I also us EC
Thanks for the invitation.
I subscribe to your feed.
Name : Lowongan Kerja
E-mail : agus.panca@gmail.com
Website Title : Lowongan Kerja
Url : bilaboong-kerja.blogspot.com
Description :
Latest Executive Jobs in Indonesia
EC : entrecard.com/details/32115
I subscribed and going to put ur link on my blog:
email: seratusempat_belas@yahoo.com
url: http://riskandar.blogspot.com
title: No Hard Feelings
Description: from personal to politics
I Subscribed to your feed and added your link to my blogroll.
Name: Arnhold
Email: textfanatic@yahoo.com
Website Title: Textfanatic
URL: http://textfanatic.blogspot.com
Description: A collection of text messages and sms quotes.
EC URL: http://entrecard.com/details/35569
Hi! I'm resending my info-
BlogTitle:Canada visa Application Online Resource
Description: A blog dedicated to provide information for those who want tolive and work in Canada.
EC: http://entrecard.com/details/22759
Hi thanks for the invite.
Felix Fegurgur
The Home Business Times
The Home Business Times is all about my tips,training,resources and experience in being in the work from home industry.
Hi Felex,
Great effort my friend. Count me in too.
Name: Rosli Hanip
Email: roslimh@gmail.com
Website title: My Simple Online Business
url: http://www.mysimpleonlinebusiness.com/blog
Description: Online Profits Made Simple With Atomic Blogging
And I put your link at my Blogroll.
Yes, keep the ball rolling.
I subscribed to your feed and added your link into my site..
Name: Needa
email: jogjapersikmania @ gmail.com
url: http://needa.us
Title : Hdtv Store
Description : Home theaters Cameras TVs HDTVs store and review
my EC URL is: http://entrecard.com/details/32907
Hi Felex Tan,
I already subscribed to your link via email and I hope you will also subscribe to my Feedburner email feeds. Here are the information you require:
Name: Mel Avila Alarilla
Email: melavilaalarilla@gmail.com
website: Points of View (Discussion Blog)
website url: http://ponts-of-view.blogspot.com/
Short description: It's a discussion blog where the pros and cons of the issues at hand are discussed and evaluated upon. Thanks and God bless.
Hi! Im subscribed to your feed with email www.manpreetsingh@gmail.com. You Subscribe in mine too. Im also an Entre Card User.
My Details:
Name: Manpreet Singh
email: www.manpreetsingh@gmail.com
Website title: CYBER SPIRITS
Website Url: http://www.cyberspirits.blogspot.com/
Description: A Business and Technology Blog.
EC Link: http://entrecard.com/details/28601
I have subscribed to your feeds
Name: Shadow
Email : swappy_18@yahoo.com
Website Title : Windows Vista Guide
Website : www.windowsaddict.blogspot.com
EC user : http://entrecard.com/user/2128/
i just subscribed to your blog.
Link: http://pinoydeal11.blogspot.com
Text: Pinoy Money Online
Well, even i would like to join you.
It is a nice concept, and i think it should help us all.
Lets hope for the Best :)
My details
Name :- Vaibhav Jain
EMail :- vaibhav.19nov@gmail.com
URL :- www.techiesden.com
Description :- Den of Windows Tips and Tricks !
And I got EC too :)
Ok, signed up, added you to my blogroll. Here's my stuff:
Name: Wess Stewart
Email: wwstewart@gmail.com
Site: [ ! ] The Sugarbuzz Project
URL: http://thesugarbuzzproject.net
Description: All kinds of stuff about writing, reviews, blogging, making money, and having a good laugh!
Entrecard? You bet!
My details as below:-
Name : Dashken Chan
EMail : dashken (at) gmail dot com
URL : http://www.dashken.net
Description : PC Tips and Guides
EC: http://entrecard.com/details/30003
I've subscribed to your feeds and I also want to join your program. I've added your site to my blogroll
Name: Hendrawan
Email: be.hendrawan@yahoo.com
Site: Absolute Underground
URL: http://meijin.uni.cc
Description: Underground Computer Tips n tricks and Resources.
Entrecard? I'd love to. Username is the same as email address.
Thanks Felix! "I subscribed to your feed and added you to my blogroll. "
Name:Anmari Email: anmari_ads@yahoo(dot)com Website title: Bright Blue Rain URL: http://brightbluerain.blogspot.com Description: a walk of life
Goodluck! :)
I did the subscription already! Please do help me gain more traffic and subscribers.
Name: marvin
Email: marvin.degracia@yahoo.com
Website Title: Digital Updates
URL: http://neugenseyes.blogspot.com/
Description: A blog about digital updates reviews tips. If you need informations about digital cameras, laptops, mp3s, mp4s, new softwares. Your in the right spot! Just proceed to http://neugenseyes.blogspot.com/ to have the best updates for you.
HI there, I have subscribed to your feed using my email Jaren@cudilla.com and added you to my blogroll.
URL: http://jaren.cudilla.com
Blog Title: The QuickStop Project
Description: Sarcasm / Irony / Tragedy at it's finest
I am also an EC user and my EC URL is:
Thank You very Much!
I subscribed to your feed. Here's my info:
Name: desinet1
Email: desinet1 [at] gmail [dot] com
Website Title: Web Tools & Tips
URL: http://webtoolsandtips.com
EntreCard URL: http://entrecard.com/user/1064/
Description: Make your life easier...
Name: voiceofmichael
e-mail: michael@voiceofmichael.com
website title: Voice of Michael.com
url: www.voiceofmichael.com
description: Michael Flowers... based in Tennessee, heard around the world!
Entrecard: michael@voiceofmichael.com
My details
Name :- Marck Pfänner
EMail :- marckpfanner@hotmail.com
URL :- http://blog.eckslab.com
Description :- ...misc stuff, etc. unix, linux, VMware Server & ESX, Windows, servers, laptops, hacks, optimizing, music, photos, blogging, random bits and bolts.
And I got EC too, http://entrecard.com/details/35056
Thanks for the invite on EC. :)
thanks for the invitation at EC
i have subscribed to your feed
my info:
Name :TMY
Email :tstommysu@gmail.com
Website title : Fun and Free
URL : http//funfree08.blogspot.com
Desc : Find anything interesting here..
EC: http://entrecard.com/details/30705
I subscribed to your rss feed and added you to my link box :)
Name: Anthony
Email: slavezero23@gmail.com
Blog Title: IT-AID :: PC Tips, Tricks and Tweaks
Description: useful PC Tips, Tricks, Tweaks, troubleshooting tips and latest technology news and helpful informations about computer and other technologies.
EC details: http://entrecard.com/details/545
thanks for inviting me. Already done subscribing and adding you my blog
Name: Del
Email: boysakto69@yahoo.com
Blog Title: Softfreebie:: Free Software Downloads
Description: lots of useful and easy to use freewares and open source applications that you can download and use for free.
EC details: http://entrecard.com/details/17573
Am I late for the dinner :-)? Anyway, I just subscribed to your feeds and am going to add you to my blogroll. Here's my details:
Name: Freezine
Email: freezinebiz@yahoo.com
Blog Title: Bizphere
Description: Sphere of Business Connections
EC details: http://entrecard.com/details/36839
Done subscription and added ur link to both my blog.
Email : mintiend@gmail.com
Name : Ti3n
Website title : Survival tips from ti3n
URL : http://www.ti3nd.blogspot.com
Website title : chicky-story
URL : http://www.chicky-story.blogspot.com
Entrecard details : http://entrecard.com/details/28495
I am not the 1st, but I come on board now, here is my details:
name: balidreamhome
email: ekoadsen@gmail.com
ws: http://balidreamhome.blogspot.com
your link has been added to my blog roll
Cheers and let's rock!!
Ups forget to tell you,
I am an EC user
ec : balidreamhome
here is mine. . . . . .
Name: Keith
E-mail: keon80@gmail.com
Blog: Seconds thought
Blog URL:http://secondsthought.blogspot.com
Blog description: Well it's my personal blog where i tackle just about everything.
There you go felez, thanks for this things. added you on my blogroll already. thanks babye.
Hi Felex,
I've already subscribed to your RSS.
Name : ZH Ong
Email : zh_ong@yahoo.com
URL : http://zh-infospace.blogspot.com
Entrecard : http://entrecard.com/user/11454/
Description : sharing & exchange of blogging resources
Hi, I subscribed to the feed and added your link to my blogroll.
Name: cherry
Email: girlforallstatus@yahoo.com
Blog Title: A Girl For All Status
Description: Ex-wife and single mom talks about parenting and her journey to "singlehood"!
EC details: http://entrecard.com/user/6266/
Gadgets Directory
Gadgets For Google ! Blogging the highest quality gadgets that are useful and fun for all users. Personalize your blogger, your website, your google home page with handy gadgets and favorite content from around the web. Google's Personalized Homepage allows you to add all kinds of Gadgets – from weather, maps, tools to fun games and headlines. Use this blog to share, evaluate, comment and grab your favorite gadgets. Where Mixing The Web Is So Fun !
count me in, thanks for your email i have subscribed already jhay18 at gmail dot com:
Name: Jhaylogs
URL: http://www.jhaylogs.blogspot.com
Blog Title: Jhay's Online Log
Description: My Online Journey for money making opportunities and everything.
Am an EC user and my EC URL is:
opps sorry my entrecard details is http://entrecard.com/details/37287
sorry for my first post error.
count me in, thanks for your email i have subscribed already jhay18 at gmail dot com:
Name: Jhaylogs
URL: http://www.jhaylogs.blogspot.com
Blog Title: Jhay's Online Log
Description: My Online Journey for money making opportunities and everything.
Am an EC user and my EC URL is:
I just subscribed to your site. My details are as follows:
Name: Monaco
Email: mild7mail@yahoo.com
Blog: Read My Mind
Blog URL: http://www.monacome.com/
Description: A collection of thoughts, opinions, sentiments and reactions on daily issues and current events.
Entrecard URL: http://entrecard.com/user_details/710
Great idea, just subscribed.
Name: Chris Schaffer
email: docshadow@gmail.com
Site Title: Darkside Dreamland
URL: http://www.darkside-dreamland.com
Description: Thoughts, news, and humor that explores the darker side of life.
Count me in!
Loraleigh Vance
Spirited: The Art of Living with Spirit
Personal development with more humor and less ego.
Thanks for the invite friend. Here is my info:
Web: http://Metallmans-reverie.blogspot.com
Title: Metallman's Reverie
Description: General blog about anything and everything.
Email: Metallman555@gmail.com
EC Email is the same as above.
EC member. Here's my EC Url: http://entrecard.com/user/11395
Name: shaunjudy
Email: shaunjudy@comcast.net
Website title:Make Money With Shaun Judy
Website URL:http://www.shaunjudy.ws
Description: Advice and Reviews on Making Money
I subscribed to your feed and added you to my blogroll. Here's my info:
Name: regi ramdhan
Email: galauituindah@yahoo.com
Website Title: right place for indie news
URL: http://poptaste.com.com
Description: Because Work Sucks...
April 19, 2008 1:42 AM
Hey Felex, here are my details:
Name: Rozella
Email: roziemarie@yahoo.co,
Title: Asian Mutt International
URL: http://asianmuttinternational.
Description: The life of a mix raced mutt
I subscribed to your feed and added a link. Here my info:
Website Title:Web Money?
URL: http://www.illiteratepoet.com
Description: Ways to make money online and my opinions on each.
hi i subscribed to your feed and added you to my blogroll... this is my info
name: Zerisse
email: zerisse@gmail.com
Website: Coffee Cup Princess
URL: http://coffeecupprincess.wordpress.com
Tagline: Random thoughts: A foray into my inner soul.
Greetings!! I have subscribed to your feed and added you to my blogroll. Here's my info:
Name: Seiken Santiago
Email: mindrelaxingideas@gmail.com
Website Title: Mind Relaxing Ideas
URL: http://mindrelaxingideas.blogspot.com
Description: Information, opinion and entertainment combined.
EC: http://entrecard.com/details/18887
Website-For All Your Blogs
URL- http://forallyourblogs.blogspot.com
Description- Traffic generation and blog marketing.
Thanks for the opportunity, I will add your link to my blog.
HI felex,
thanks for inviting me
i've already subscribed to your feed ,
name : wisnuaji
e-mail : dwisnuaji[at]gmail[dot]com
Website Name : wisnuaji dot com
URL : http://wisnuaji.com
Description : my journey on life and business
Thanks for your invitation via entrecard. I have already subscribed to your feed by e-mail.
URL: http://www.jesieblogjourney.com
Title: Jesie Blog Journey
email: jesielin[at]gmaildotcom
Description: General and Decent Topics
Social Networks: Technorati, SU, Digg
Hi! I also have subscribed to your feed and added you to my blogroll. Here's my info:
Name: e1d
email: irwandy.z@gmail.com
URL: http://techtarik.net
BlogTitle: Technology + Entertainment + X = TechTarik.net
Description: A blog about technology, entertainment and any interesting stuff all over the world.
I subscribed to your RSS feed and added to my Blogroll.
Name: [charlie]
E-mail: irwankartadipura@yahoo.co.uk
Title: AndWhatStudio.com
URL: http://andwhatstudio.com
Tony Alexander
The Soul of Japan
I have entrecard.
Hey- Just Subscribed!
Here's my info:
Name: Lisa
Email: lktennis55@gmail.com
Website Title: EJobTips
URL: http://www.ejobtips.blogspot.com
Description: Work at Home Tips & Tricks
I have subscrbed via email and link your blog to my links.
Name: Mia
Description: Mia blog4me
Name: Karthigeyen
email: karthi_ananda@yahoo.com
website title: My Online Street
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