1)What is bounce rate?
2)Why Entrecard increase bounce rate?
3)How to reduce Entrecard's bounce rate?
What is bounce rate?
Why Entrecard increase bounce rate?
1)There are number of chain droppers who drop and bounce.They never read your blog at all because they want to drop as fast as they can to earn credits.
2)If you are the popular Entrecard user,chances you get high bounce rate is higher.It is because your Entrecard is more visibility in the community.Therefore droppers will drop into your blog first instead of the last one.
3)Over advertise;Imagine your Entrecard appears in 100 blogs?I guarantee you will get high bounce rate on the day itself.
How to reduce Entrecard's high bounce rate?
2)Drop your card on the relevant sites-There are a lot of droppers try to drop in different categories in order to receive drop in return,i don't mean you can't do this way but focus on relevant site first because you are sharing the topic which is related to the site.Example,you are Internet marketer and drop at pets category,do you think they will read your post?They definitely will drop and bounce.
3)Listen to your readers-You can use on-site surveys,submit your blog for review and leverage your email list to gain critical feedback.By doing this ,you able to know what they want to read and what kind of info can help them,based on the survey result and find out the topic which is suitable for them to read and help them to solve their problems.
Exert your utmost effort.Make each day count.Ask yourself today and tomorrow also:"Did i do my best?"That is what makes a hero.The person who can do this is a winner.
My thoughts
I will still use Entrecard as tool to socialize with bloggers from all over the world and will use it to advertise on high rank blog without spending a dime.
My advise
Do not rely on Entrecard to drive traffics only,it is just like "Don't put all the eggs into one basket".You can drive traffics by participating forum to contribute ideas,once you get trusted by other bloggers,they will visit your blog to find out more useful resources and it is a constant traffics.
Please stay tune with my post.If you like to read my post,please choose one from below:
"I would love to hear from you.If you have any comment about "Entrecard",please feel free to leave your comment on this post,thanks and enjoy reading."
Useful info
Removing Entrecard from your blog is a bad move
Entrecard or Exitcard
5 more ways to lower your bounce rate
Multivariate testing with Google website
Bounce rate blog
Useful tool
Google analytics
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15 say:
Re: point #2
I drop on other niche categories because chances are I have some opinion about their topics too. It's just a way for me to diversify my knowledge.
Thanks for visiting my blog, and for this post. I am into reducing my bounce rate too, search engine and entrecard referrals contribute to this.
BTW, I find it hard to comment here since I have to use my blogger account just to post one, sorry I dont (have and) know how to use an OpenID.
Rudy: Yes i agree with you that you can visit other's category to broaden your knowledge because knowledge is power,no one can steal from you.Keep up the good work.
Sonnie:I am so sorry to give you trouble to leave a comment here,but eventually you did it,highly appreciated,have a good day.
Great read man I'm going to read this every day till I'm consistent with it.
Thank you for all your tips.
Wish you great succes.
You are welcome,hope you will success too.
Nice post. Like what rudy said, I'm also dropping on blogs that falls within my niche because that's where I usually get the ideas that I post and the only place where I find it easy to come-up with a comment.
nepspeed82 ,
Thats right,i have inspired by a lot of bloggers within my niche and enlightened me through their post.
Since the stupid Alexa Traffic Ranking update, I stopped dropping EntreCards actively, only reciprocate drops when required.
Also plastered back the quantcast code into my blog.
Time to get my traffic stats properly quantified and ranked.
Its time to quantcast! To hell with Alexa!
Bounce rate sucks anyway, who says having a high bounce rate means the site sucks?
Ah kong,
No wonder din see u around this time,keep in touch bro.
The article was really informative. Hope will help me. I will try and adopt your ideas. Lets see how things turn out.
Thanks for leaving comment ,lets strive together to achieve low bounce rate and quality traffics.
Thank you very much for your advises. I never thought about bounce rate before, as I was aiming only traffic. It's a great idea to interact with other bloggers. Thanks a lot
Chris ,
You are welcome.We should always exchange ideas.
Great write-up! I am reducing my other established blog's participation in EC but will be more active on my newer blog as traffic is more important to newer blog.
Traffics are not only important for new blog but for old blog also.You make a wise action to boost up traffics to your new blog,be consistent,you will see phenomenal result one day.Keep up the good work.
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