I heard a lot of Entrecard users are leaving especially those pioneers of Entrecard who has been using it quite sometime.What is the reasons they want to leave?Frankly speaking,i don't know.Perhaps they had achieved what they want such as number of subscribers ,traffics....or maybe they have better place to expand their blog .What ever it is,the most important thing is are you going to stay or leave?You might give a tons of reason to leave such as Johncow and Mike from bloggin-ads were leaving because they said they did not receive quality traffics from Entrecard,increase high bounce rate because Entrecard has a lot of chain droppers or did not achieve what they want to.....blah blah blah.Tell you what they had earned more than what Entrecard has offered.
Try to ask yourself sincerely,do you think all these are Entrecard's fault?Then you will heard a lot users complained since using Entrecard,their blog's Alexa rank dropped dramatically with new Algorithm.In fact,it was no longer based on people with the Alexa's tool bar visiting your site. According to the latest post from Graham about Alexa rank,he stated that it was now based on some new top-secret sauce and he advised that in order to spike in Alexa is the number of links to your website,the more link to your website the better it is.
Try to ask yourself sincerely,do you think all these are Entrecard's fault?Then you will heard a lot users complained since using Entrecard,their blog's Alexa rank dropped dramatically with new Algorithm.In fact,it was no longer based on people with the Alexa's tool bar visiting your site. According to the latest post from Graham about Alexa rank,he stated that it was now based on some new top-secret sauce and he advised that in order to spike in Alexa is the number of links to your website,the more link to your website the better it is.
There are three reasons why i am still using Entrecard:
1)Graham Langdon is going to expand the social networking features and enhance the advertising network by adding greater control and analytics.This is very important for blogger who wants to advertise their blog and would like to expand their blog to another level,if you quit Entrecard now,you might lose out the best from Entrecard.
2)The main objective of Entrecard is to allow every Entrecard user to read a full post and leave a comment before dropping their card.I know this might be impossible to everyone including i myself but i will read the blog itself if the contents are useful and will leave a comment on the post which i do it every day.I like to read blog regardless it is new or old.I am new blogger and i also hope some one will read my post which is the same goes to new blogger/new Entrecard user,they hope someone to read their post as well.We should give a chance to new blogger/user to grow such as leave a comment to improve their content and so on instead of just dropping the Entrecard .I know we can't control them but we should change our mindset first then influence to other Entrecard user slowly.This is what i call "Human Revolution".
3)Besides using Facebook,Entrecard is my social network program.I like using Entrecard to social with other bloggers because i can learn from other bloggers within my niche in order to brush up my skill and enhance my knowledge.For non-niche related one ,i will treat them as an additional knowledge to me .We should learn new things everyday.Entrecard is the best place to communicate and find out the solution faster than i searched from web directory.
Leave or stay is all up to you,my advise is don't be influenced easily by others and try to analyze by yourself.If you think you have better place to go,perhaps you can treat Entrecard as a place for you to know new friends but don't give up Entrecard as Entrecard won't give up you.
Please stay tune with my post.If you like to read my post,please choose one from below:

I dropped 300 Entrecard in 2 hours!!!
I lost 46 credits in two hours
How to reduce Entrecard's High Bounce rate
I win 2000 Entrecard credits from Jaypeeonline.net
2)The main objective of Entrecard is to allow every Entrecard user to read a full post and leave a comment before dropping their card.I know this might be impossible to everyone including i myself but i will read the blog itself if the contents are useful and will leave a comment on the post which i do it every day.I like to read blog regardless it is new or old.I am new blogger and i also hope some one will read my post which is the same goes to new blogger/new Entrecard user,they hope someone to read their post as well.We should give a chance to new blogger/user to grow such as leave a comment to improve their content and so on instead of just dropping the Entrecard .I know we can't control them but we should change our mindset first then influence to other Entrecard user slowly.This is what i call "Human Revolution".
3)Besides using Facebook,Entrecard is my social network program.I like using Entrecard to social with other bloggers because i can learn from other bloggers within my niche in order to brush up my skill and enhance my knowledge.For non-niche related one ,i will treat them as an additional knowledge to me .We should learn new things everyday.Entrecard is the best place to communicate and find out the solution faster than i searched from web directory.
Leave or stay is all up to you,my advise is don't be influenced easily by others and try to analyze by yourself.If you think you have better place to go,perhaps you can treat Entrecard as a place for you to know new friends but don't give up Entrecard as Entrecard won't give up you.
Please stay tune with my post.If you like to read my post,please choose one from below:
"I would love to hear from you.If you have any comment about "Entrecard",please feel free to leave your comment on this post,thanks and enjoy reading."
I dropped 300 Entrecard in 2 hours!!!
I lost 46 credits in two hours
How to reduce Entrecard's High Bounce rate
I win 2000 Entrecard credits from Jaypeeonline.net
18 say:
Thanks for your great sharing,i think a lot of bloggers will understand more what is Alexa rank from your comment,thank you.
I'm still using entrecard and I believe it helped me climb up to pagerank 2 just this morning. Take a look. I believe it's not because of the drops but because of the networking efforts i've been making since I started to join it.
You deserved with your effort,congratulation to you.Keep up the good work.
I still use entrecard although I don't drop as much as I did back then. The new bidding structure is a good way to reward good sites since most of them are devalued (it is determined by how much you drop)
Marketing Deviant,
Dropping Entrecard is just a part of Entrecard .For eg.John Chow,he does not drop Entrecard at all i guess because he uses Entrecard to drive more traffics because he has quality contents,visitors will come back again,same goes to us,we should prioritize on improving quality contents to attract more readers.
erm.. I still using Entrecard. But im not a person who addicted into entrecard. I will read a blog seriously if they have nice background or template that is attracted me. If the blog does not have quality contents, I will straight away drop the card without reading the contents
It is norm to anybody,even for non Entrecard blog,if the content is not what i want to search,i will skip to another blog.
Still using EntreCard, just not actively dropping that many EntreCards as before.
Just reciprocating drops nowadays.
Dropping an EntreCard or two if I come across sites with the EC widget.
Ah kong,
Any new program you would like to introduce to us?Perhaps will add an additional program to everyone.
As for me, I will still use entrecard because it bring me to people. It's like a big community and it's fun to meet blogger from all the world. However, I hardly get the time to drop my cards that much.. not even reach 20 a day- time consuming.
Anyway, I'm glad to be a part of the entrecard member because they bring me to your blog!
Yes,glad to know you from Entrecard,perhaps without Entrecard i might not know you,thanks for leaving a wonderful comment.
I still use entrecard because it has introduced to me to sites that would not have known about previously. Thank you for advertising on my site.
It is my pleasure to advertise at your site.Through Entrecard ,i know a lot of ppl just like you and me.
Hi Felex,
I using it too. As same as the rest, and that it's increase the visitors for me & others. And the hot topic in town now is "Bounce Rates". I believe the solution to avoid it is to publish some attractive contents. I am trying hard to do that....:)
Just my 2 cents.
Yes,it increases high bounce rate which undeniably,you can refer to my related post"how to reduce Entrecard's high bounce rate "anytime,hope it can help you.
I wrote a post about this about a week ago. I am new to entrecard, but have used simialr sites. Entrecard seems to be better then the other things I have used, like blogexplosion, in terms of quality traffic. I think putting your card at the bottom of the page may help improve the bounce rate. I got here through entrecard.
Traffic Post
I think like most things there is a bit of a "craze" at the start. It suits some people, not so much others. So it grows, a few leave, it changes and on it goes.
There are only two things that I want to point about Entrecard , and no , I am not quiting it at least not now.
1)Entrecard Credits should be earned another way , not by dropping cards like crazy , this is like kids stuff , no professional or medium blogger will waste 30 - 60 minutes a day to drop cards , so the only remaining credits will be 10 credits from daily drops or maybe 20 and the credits earned through advertising. This is no big deal but it means some traffic.
2)The bounce rate is very high. People just drop by to leave their cards , there is no other reason for visiting your blog. I have seen hundreds of blogs with those chat widgets installed "All were saying" Dropped by to drop my card. Well you drop earn some credits , advertise on god knows what blogs for what? Bounce traffic? Not quiting yet , but still credits should be earned some other way. The time spend dropping is very valuable , can be using for writing a post , doing some SEO or promoting your blog.
One more thing , easy 300 drops a day - join my - Entrecard Big Drop list , leave your URL and title , and you will be added to my list. No charge for that. :)
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