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I get paid from

Do you want get paid to click advertisement?Lets here my story:Finally i get paid from and the amount is $100.I had waited more than 3 months from the date i requested which was 15th Jan 2008 .According to terms of service,i should get paid from on mid of March but due to had changed the payment service from paypal to Alert pay and upgraded its server just after one week from my payment request,it caused payment delay,it is so unlucky to me as i want to make money online. I had submitted so many tickets about my when i will get paid,but i still received a same answer from admin " is one of the best PTC,please be patient,if you are not get paid yet,please refer to success story at forum,so that you can estimate roughly by when you will get paid!",this is non sense at the first place,how can admin asked your customer to estimate by themselves whereas they as a staff should check from their system.Wow,tell you what,i was burned .I was so frustrated and lost confident with because i hear a lot rumor that is a scam,it delays the payment and even does not pay to members.I was like lost direction and was thinking my money gone because i invested USD555.55 into

I checked from forum last week stated that started to pay for those who requested on 14th Jan- I was so happy and excited because is almost my turn,finally i get paid this morning.Below is a proof of payment,please click the picture to enlarge it:

I received notification from my email

Transaction from

Amount i get paid:$100

I had requested my second payment and the amount is $1870,estimated i will receive end of June or early then that.

At, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money.Join now to make money online and sign up Alert pay to receive your payment from

Useful info success story estimated payment calculator

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"If you have any comment about "",please feel free to leave your comment,thanks and enjoy reading.

Never quit:"Believe in yourself-your vision of your future.Keep your dreams alive despite challenges along the way.Don't be afraid of change.Grow and learn as you go.Move ahead with confidence.Always reach forward.Challenge the impossible and risk yourself to the limits.Opportunities ahead are endless.Never quit until you win.You have greatness within you.Nurture it with hope and passion,there'll be nothing you can't do"

8 say:

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

so would you actually trust this service? thanks for popping to my blog btw

Felex Tan said...

I still remember back to 90s,no one believed that we can make money online because everyone thought it was not possible to do that,but there are numbers of internet millionaires in the world today.If you ask me whether i trust or not,i will say i will use investment perspective to look into it which is you will lose and you will win.I had invested $555.55 and i get 1st payment which is $100 which is i am still losing money,however i have second pay-$1870 on June.If i receive my 2nd payment, i am earning money.It depends on how you look at it.

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

hmm in regards to your question, is the only one i've considered to go for.
And when i meant trusting, it's more of whether they will actually pay you. granted that you have spent 555 usd for your clickers. But will they eventually pay you? thats the part that hinders me

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

let me know how it goes with your second payment. hopefully it really does work out for you.

Felex Tan said...


I absolutely understand your feeling now because i was like you few months back i have not bother much on because i waited for so long.My advise is try to find out your own referrals instead of just pay one lump sum to buy refs ,i don't mean it is not reliable but at least you won't spend a dime on doing .The choice is yours.

amy said...

how does the alertpay works?
do you mind tell me how did you get the payment..i'm stil 50-50 about
scared if cannot withdraw/get the money in here (malaysia)

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

have you got the 2nd payment?
i've requested a small amount and still i havent got it since 25 March.. :(