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Internet business vs traditional business

I have a dream to become a success businessman since 17 years old,maybe is too old for certain people.I had tried a lot of ways to achieve such as MLM.I have a huge group in my University and consists of 200++ members .Most of the downlines are students and my business was expanded throughout the whole Malaysia even Sabah & Sarawak,however i found that it is still not a perfect business for me-"no offence for people in this line".I will not share what is the reasons.Then i gave up my business,but everymonth still got income from the business.Although i gave up my MLM business,but i never give up my dreamsWhat is my next plan?I did a lot of research about internet business since 1 year ago,i found that it is really a potential opportunity with billion users.

The reason i choose internet to expand my business because, firstly,low investment but you can build a huge income internationally for eg:if i want to market my product online in China,i dont have purposely go to China, i just market my product through online advertising service with low investment ,moreover,there is a lot of target audience advertising service such as Facebook ads,therefore,i saved a lot of advertising fees and travel fees.Secondly,i can do it by my own pace and work from home without taking monorail to my workplace,it is really kill my time every morning due to long queue -" I hate it"expecially for those who likes jumping the queue.There are many more reasons why i choose internet business as my career, i will share it when i achieve my target income.

Lets talk about the difference between internet business and traditonal business,quote you an example "Electronics Items"if you are in traditional business,things you have to consider are a lot for instance: location,renovation,rental,suppliers,workers,income tax,stock and many many
more,the bigger your store ypu have ,the more things you have to worry,but for internet business,if you don't have my own product, you can choose to join affiliate program such as Clickbank&CJ,there have a lot of products for you to choose.You don't need to worry about the shipping cost,payment mode,invest money on stock and so on.The only things you have to do is "how to market the products ",if you have your own website is even better,you can build your sales lead at the same time and doing follow up at backend via email marketing.,the most crucial part is how to drive a non-stop traffics to your website and convert to sales.I won't state all the differences here, i will create a table which is more easier to understand.

Besides the differences,there have similarity as well.One thing never escape from our life is "Challenge"it aplies to internet business also,the challenge you will face is "Sales" ,how to increase sales daily and meet the sales target monthly or even annually,you will hear a lot in tradionaal business as well.To success in internet business or tradional business,the most important is must have a strong determination and perseverance,no matter how difficult the situation ,we must not be defeated by the challenge,we have to see challenge as an opportunity.It is an opportunity for us to jump to another stage and getting better.Although internet business is a best business for me,but my target for everyday is to learn a new things and improve myself.For those who are in this line already,good luck to you.'You have made a wise choice",

Please check my next post which is 'Make Money Online with Internet Tools"