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Get FREE 50 EC credits!!!

Wow,today i get FREE 50 EC credits from entrecard-widgetsurf for my participating,they really promised what they offer,they are giving 5000EC by reviewing Entrecard,what you can do is:

1.Blog about your experience using the EntreCard system - how it benefits your blog, how you met new cyber friends, whatever.
2.Name one blog on the EntreCard network that you find exciting and why.
3.Mention about entrecard-widgetsurf (optional)
4.Leave your post URL in the entrecard-widgetsurf's comment box
Requirements: place entrecard-widgetsurf 's 125 x 125 button banner on your blog (codes available at the bottom of entrecard-widgetsurf sidebar)
Prize: The winning post will walk away with 4000 EntreCredits. The blog which is mentioned in the winning post will walk away with 1000 EntreCredits. How about that? We think it’s cool.
Contest ends April 15th, 2008

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2 say:

Felex Tan said...

It is great to ve 50 credits..share here if you receive any free credits..

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